Gilberto Fernandes

Gilberto Fernandes, Ph.D.

Research Lead
Department of History,
York University
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Founder and Owner
Tempo Historical Consulting
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Founder and Lead Director
Portuguese Canadian History Project |
Projeto de História Luso Canadiana


I am Gilberto Fernandes. I am an academic, public, and digital historian, curator, community archivist, and documentary filmmaker based in Toronto. My public scholarship and digital humanities have focused largely on diaspora and migration, ethnicity and race, the construction industry and the unionized building trades, public diplomacy and propaganda, and other intersecting topics in the contexts of Canada, the United States, and Portugal.

In this website you will find references to my past work and news about my current projects. For further information and inquiries, please send me a message using the “contact me” section.

Thank you for stopping by.

Gilberto Fernandes

Scholar, Public & Digital Historian, Curator, Community Archives